Our Terms & Conditions

1. Your acceptance of services from SeeClear Window Cleaning ( SeeClear ) confirms your acceptance of these Terms & Conditions ( T’s & C’s ). A written copy of these T’s & C’s or a weblink to them can be requested at any time.

2. Payment to SeeClear is due on the date our service is provided, at which point a contractual relationship with SeeClear is formed.

3. Payment can be accepted either in cash on the day of the clean, or by online payment into our bank account. Cash payment can be left in an agreed safe place by arrangement.

4. Payment terms of 5 calendar days are offered to customers who choose to pay for our services by making online payment into our bank account.

5. Payments that become overdue will be liable to a late payment charge of £5.00. This will be added to the amount overdue. In all cases, our services to you will then be suspended and any offer to you of payment terms will be withdrawn.

6. Our working day is planned around the allocation of specific time slots. We will notify you by text message no later than 8pm when a clean is scheduled for the next day. This will enable any access arrangements that need to be made, such as the unlocking of side gates. In the event that we have provided the advance notification described above but are unable to clean all of your windows due to access issues, you will be charged a minimum of 75% of the agreed cleaning price.

If you wish to cancel our service or adjust the cleaning schedule that we have agreed with you, we require a minimum of 48 hours notice prior to a scheduled clean. This gives us a reasonable opportunity to offer your time slot to another customer. Cancellation made with less than 48 hours notice before a scheduled clean will result in a charge equivalent to 50% of the agreed cleaning price.